
(圖) 人工生殖輔助技術(ART誘導的血管過早老化在明顯健康的ART出生的青少年和年輕人中持續存在,並進展為動脈高血壓。

背景-人工生殖輔助技術(ART)已被證明會導致看起來健康的兒童血管過早老化。在小鼠中,ART 誘導的血管過早老化演變為動脈高血壓。鑑於人類 ART 組的年輕年齡,ART 誘導的心血管變化之長期後遺症尚不清楚。

 目標-本研究假設ART造成的血管改變在因 ART出生之青少年和年輕人中持續存在,並且動脈高血壓可能可做一個可檢測到的臨床數據。

 方法- 初始評估五年後,研究人員重新評估了血管功能,並對看起來明顯健康的54 ART 後代和 43 名年齡和性別匹配的對照組進行了 24 小時動態血壓 (BP) 監測 (ABPM)

 結果- ART 後代中,血管過早老化持續存在,這證明了大約 25% 的肱動脈擴張受損(p < 0.001),和增加的脈搏波速度和增厚的頸動脈內膜中層厚度。最重要的是,ABPM 值(收縮壓,119.8±9.1 mmHg 對比 115.7 ±7.0  mmHgp =0.03;舒張壓,71.4± 6.1  mmHg 69.1± 4.2  mmHgp = 0.02 ART 與對照組)和血壓變異性在ART後代中顯著高於對照組。 52 ART 參與者中有 8 名,但 43 名對照組只有 1 名(p= 0.041 ART 與對照組)符合動脈高血壓的 ABPM 標準(>130/80 mm Hg / >95%)。

 結論-在沒有任何其他可檢測的心血管危險因素下,ART 誘導的血管過早老化在明顯健康的ART出生的青少年和年輕人中持續存在,並進展為動脈高血壓。

 BACKGROUND Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have been shown to induce premature vascular aging in apparently healthy children. In mice, ART-induced premature vascular aging evolves into arterial hypertension. Given the young age of the human ART group, long-term sequelae of ART-induced alterations of the cardiovascular phenotype are unknown.

OB JECTIVES This study hypothesized that vascular alterations persist in adolescents and young adults conceived by ART and that arterial hypertension possibly represents the first detectable clinically relevant endpoint in this group.

M ETHODS Five years after the initial assessment, the study investigators reassessed vascular function and performed 24-h ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring (ABPM) in 54 young, apparently healthy participants conceived through ART and 43 age- and sex-matched controls.

RESULTS Premature vascular aging persisted in ART-conceived subjects, as evidenced by a roughly 25% impairment of flow-mediated dilation of the brachial artery (p < 0.001) and increased pulse-wave velocity and carotid intima-media thickness. Most importantly, ABPM values (systolic BP, 119.8 ± 9.1 mm Hg vs. 115.7 ± 7.0 mm Hg, p = 0.03; diastolic BP, 71.4±  6.1 mm Hg vs. 69.1± 4.2 mm Hg, p = 0.02 ART vs. control) and BP variability were markedly higher in ART conceived subjects than in control subjects. Eight of the 52 ART participants, but only 1 of the 43 control participants (p = 0.041 ART vs. controls) fulfilled ABPM criteria of arterial hypertension (>130/80 mm Hg and/or >95th percentile).

CONCLUS IONS ART-induced premature vascular aging persists in apparently healthy adolescents and young adults without any other detectable classical cardiovascular risk factors and progresses to arterial hypertension. (Vascular Dysfunction in Offspring of Assisted Reproduction Technologies; NCT00837642.) (J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;72:126774)

© 2018 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

Association of Assisted Reproductive Technologies With Arterial Hypertension During Adolescence

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018 Sep 11;72(11):1267-1274. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.06.060.





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